Thursday, June 19, 2014

1 - Who are Franciscans?

                                   Who Are Franciscans?

During the time of Francis, his movement was the third penitential movement to arise in Italy. Penitential movements contained Christians who chose to live in poverty and simplicity as a grateful expression of God’s forgiveness of their sins. They were told not to preach in churches unless they were invited. The first two movement preaches (without invitation) anyhow. They were denounced. Francis, however, did not preach unless invited. He told his followers to spread the Gospel and only when necessary use words. Instead of preaching, they lived the gospel by example.

Franciscans are not a “Gloom & Doom” people for we feel the joy of the Lord is with us and we want to express that to others (since life can be exciting, enjoyable and delightful). We do not punish ourselves for our (God forgiven) sins that we feel sorrow for, we just limit the excessive and compulsive behavior that leads people into sin. Laity Franciscans (like us) do not deliberately place ourselves into poverty, we just identify with the poverty that exists within us and around us (to love what Francis called, “Lady Poverty”). This is the root behind the Franciscan belief of simplicity (to live simply without wasteful or extravagant lifestyles and we share our time and fortunes with those in need). Because of our sensitivity to the poor, we give our acts of love to help those in need as expressions of God’s love moving through us to others.

Francis wanted to change Christianity from within (without dividing it a part). Through his simple approach he became the first gentle Church reformer (producing a Christ-like attitude) during a time when most of the social institutions within western culture were corrupt and exploitative towards the weak, the powerless and the defenseless.

Throughout all of Christianity today, Franciscans represent: peace, Gospel living, ecology, humility, simplicity, loving animals and serving those in need. Poverty is especially dear to the Franciscan heart. Franciscans are generous, kind and loving Christians that place God’s will above the will of the world.

For Catholics, the Franciscans have three orders. The First Order would be only men who take religious vows (like Monks & Friars). The Second Order would be only women who take religious vows. They are the Poor Clare Nuns. The Third Order would be both men and women. They are Secular Franciscans and Third Order regulars (TOR). The TOR Franciscans take religious vows and the Secular Franciscan take a profession of faith as lay persons. 

There are also Franciscan secular fraternities within the Episcopal and Lutheran denominations. We would like to see some Methodist, Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ,independent churches and mainline Baptist with Franciscan Fraternities arising because of our efforts. Also, we would like to see new Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran fraternities where Secular Franciscan Fraternities are unable to be created (like in some difficult situations but there still is a need). Hopefully our fraternities and Secular fraternities can work together. Secular Franciscan members (like our fraternity members) are not required to be poor but instead they balance their lives between their personal needs and wants while helping those who are poor.

We are a new Franciscan movement that opens the doors much wider for all people to enter. The purpose of the Franciscan Christian Fraternity movement is to rebuild Christianity through our local churches (and at home - work – etc.) with our personal love for Christ like St. Francis had. We serve the local church by being an evangelizing movement through Christian service only. We should be known for our actions not our words. Most local churches have service projects, social ministries or Peace & Justice committees. We exist to enhance their efforts and to support these ministries. The local church is our foundation of operations and we serve their needs. We are Christians that express our Christianity through Franciscan Spirituality.

The Franciscan Spiritual way of life is to simplify our personal beliefs & lifestyles (and lessen the gap between what we want & need in life). We do this without any conflict with our local church’s beliefs or worship customs. Each fraternity will have a spiritual adviser to help them with their spiritual focus.

Hopefully different fraternities from different Christian denominations can come together to aide one another or to have joint service projects. These gatherings will be city wide conferences where Franciscan (Christian) love can be shared.

We are brothers & sisters to all of God’s creatures and all of creation. We are peacemakers (for we sacrifice, forgive, compromise, heal broken hearts & love people where they are and on their level). We empty ourselves of our egos (as much as possible - like Christ humbled himself on the cross). We see self-esteem as good but not self-pride. We take our personal energy and allow it to build up love around us – not destroy relationships instead. We separate behavior (or a person’s sins) from a person’s self-worth in God’s eyes as lovable. We acknowledge that everyone is searching for God’s love, but some people are doing so in the wrong places.  For we believe feelings are not right or wrong in the peacemaking process; even though, our response to feelings can be socially right or wrong. As much as possible, we try not to judge people based on their feelings and allow God to judge the sins of others instead of us. We know what is right and what is wrong but we do not create right and wrong people (for God does not create junk people - only humans can). There are three knots on the Franciscan symbolic cord. They are: poverty, chastity and obedience. Our poverty is to be in great need of God; it is our real freedom and liberty when we humble ourselves. Chastity (or charity) is our pure heartedness; when we are giving God’s love to others. Obedience is listening to God’s will in our lives and respecting the authority around us.  

If you like Franciscan Spirituality then then come with us to exercise your soul (like you do your body) and let your soul grow and mature with us. We will not judge what level of soul development you are at and we only wish you peace, love and joy through Christ.                                                                       
 D. Crone

                                        Franciscan Symbols
                          (What Are Some Personal Franciscan Symbols?)

1: The Tau is a “T” shaped symbol (similar to the cross of Christ) and chosen by St. Francis to be the symbol of his movement. For us it represents our spiritual poverty (to be in great need of God). It also represents our freedom & liberty from things that might want to take ownership of us like too many unnecessary possessions or excessive usage of high tech devices (to the point of separating us from our loved ones too much).
2: The Franciscan Coat of Arms (sometimes called The Conformity) is two arms crossing one another (one arm is the arm of St. Francis and the other Jesus). With this symbol we see the reshaping of our lives to conform to Jesus as Francis did.
3: The phase “Pax et Bonum”is used by Franciscan often. It means “peace and all good” (or peace and goodwill). We use this as a greeting between Franciscans.
4: San Damiano Cross is an icon of the crucifixion that was located in a nearby church during St. Francis’ lifetime. St. Francis had a vision of Jesus telling him to rebuild his church while viewing this art. We look upon this art to discover within our quiet moments the soft voice of God inspiring us and encouraging us into action.
5: The Franciscan Peace Rope is something born of my personal creative. It has a metal portraying the face of the crucified Jesus to represent the sacrifice that we too must do for love in our world. There is a metal tau with the Latin words for “Peace and All Good” representing our desire to produce goodwill in the peace process. Then it has another metal with the first line of the prayer of St. Francis on it. This represents our intentions to become an instrument for peace. Then there is a regular image of Jesus that represents the “Spirit of Christ” or God’s spirit (the spirit that bonds us together with those we are in dispute with).
6: Canticle of the Sun represents the fact that we are siblings with all of nature’s creations through God’s love.                                                                D. Crone


1 What is the difference between Franciscan Spirituality and regular Christianity?

2 Is Franciscan Spirituality more compassionate?

3 Is Franciscan Spirituality simpler?

4 Why do Franciscans place so much emphasis on poverty or on people in need? If someone is not that way, can they still be Christian? I believe if you place emphasis on other Christian ideals (not Franciscan) - you can still be a good Christian if you show the love for God & others with what you do, do you agree?

5 Can you truly be Franciscan but not have humility? I believe it would be extremely difficult, why?

6 Can you truly be Franciscan and not love nature, animal and humanity? Can you be Christian if you do not love humanity?

7 Can you be Franciscan but not wish for peace between people and nations?

2 - Walking to the Cross with Jesus

Walking with Jesus to the Cross
I want to meditate and pray at each station of the cross (one station a day). Mentally and spiritually I want to walk with
Jesus to his crucifixion while I reflect on my sinfulness. The way to the cross demonstrates his glory working in each
   one of us and it is not worshiping his death (but instead it emphasizes our repenting attitude). 

(Background) Things are changing too fast in Jesus’ world. There will be an angry crowd wanting to crucify him. This is because they are living in a “Culture of Fear”. They were fearful of the Romans, fearful of the corrupt religious authority and fearful of the changes proposed by Christ. It is not unlike the times I live in. Today, we can be fearful of people with drug addition, mental illness, poverty, those with guns and the stranger that is not like us. Help me to be different; to show compassion, to be merciful, to forgive, and to understand my life through a Christian heart. If I can’t
do this then I am condemned too by my soul's desire to do good.

NOTE: Most people believe there is no value in suffering at all but I feel it can be necessary at times (it purifies me so that I can appreciate my blessing better).

Station One – Jesus is Condemned to Death. 
(Day 1) I look at Jesus and he seems to be bowing to human selfishness - only because it is his Father’s will. Obedience cost him to be condemned to death. But with me today, it cost a simple act of CHANGING … to say in all sincerity, “No more” to sin. Yet it is hard for me to bend towards God’s will (because of so much temptation). Oh Lord, remove the binders from my eyes, so I may see that it is you that I should obey (not my desires or my ego or the demands of the world to conform to it alone). I look at you and I see that my struggles have become your suffering too.

(Day 2) I look at Jesus and I see him carrying my sins like a yoke on an ox. Thank God I am not given a load that is more than I can bear. Let me have just a small piece of your cross (Lord) since you bear most of mine. With this piece I can understand the suffering of others like you understand most of mine. Together, we can carry our crosses. Like you, I carry my cross daily and I help others with their burdens. I bear my cross, dealing with the unpleasant things that sometimes mark my day (discomforts of all kinds; like sickness, extreme heat or cold, my disappointments, tensions, setbacks and worries). In addition there are the ordeals that are due to the consequences of sinfulness. They do not have to be hard if there is Christian companionship, forgiveness and hope. Help me (Lord Jesus) to see the light as we travel together to your crucifixion.

(Day 3) I look at Jesus and I see my Lord is too weak to carry a timber beam. He is very human as he does God’s will – otherwise he would not have been my example. Lord Jesus, you have accepted your human limitations, so why can’t I accept mine (if they are your will)? Like you, I too fall because of the weight of my sin upon my back. But I thank you for being with me as I fall (for I want to be with you when you fell because of me). Give me strength. Help me (Lord Jesus) to lighten my sin through confession. May I defeat my sin through your forgiveness and rise again to resume my walk with you.

(Day 4) It hurts so much to see a love one with pain, with sickness, or lost. Like the mother of Jesus, so many times we can do nothing to eliminate the problem. I look into the eyes of Jesus and know that he understands that beyond the suffering there is comfort and peace (that arises from a hope in him).Like his mother who saw his suffering, I too must witness the suffering of my loved ones through their sins. Sometimes my loved ones watch my suffering within sin. Help us (Lord Jesus) to ease into the “Peace of Christ” that is beyond all understanding. Lord, please ease the headaches, the sickness, and the grief that families experience through your grace for us.

(Day 5) I look at Simon and hope to see myself. My arms can be the physical arms of Jesus on earth today because I help him through helping others carry their loads. No one should bear their burdens alone (not even you - Jesus). Each time I help another, I lighten your load (Jesus). May I help others to carry their crosses of poverty, loneliness, sickness, indifference, and hopelessness for the love of you. When I see the trails of others and give them help (through you) – your light shines.

(Day 6) I ask myself, where is the image of the bleeding Christ in my world? Is it with the unborn fetus (wanting to live) or in the jails, or with the sick or the dying? Jesus, give me the strength to encounter your face in distress within my world. Help me to allow your love to transform pain into joy – death into life.

(Day 7) I look at Jesus falling a second time. Lord Jesus, so many times I fall back into the same sin that almost destroyed me once before. Please sympathize with my hurt from sin and strengthen my personal weakness into courage to change. Give me the strength to again turn to you for forgiveness through confession. Jesus, may we help one another as we journey towards your crucifixion. You are my hope.

(Day 8) I look at Jesus as he speaks to these women. Lord Jesus, may I (like you) show compassion towards others even when I suffer myself. Help me Lord, to curb my tongue when I do not feel good and may I encourage others even when I am discouraged myself. May the “Ways of Christ” comfort me and all who I encounter with your love.

(Day 9) Oh the suffering that I see Jesus is experiencing as he falls again. I know that sometimes sin is cyclic and I fall – fall – and fall again as a consequence. Through you, may no despair, hardship or distress ever control God’s will in me to do what is right and to love even when I am wronged. I want your love not any personal guilt or self-piety to dominate my soul. Lord, I want your love to heal my brokenness and protect me from sin again.

(Day 10) I see Jesus alone and without any processions or support. Because of you (Lord Jesus), I will always be clothed with “Our Father’s Dignity”. No one will be able to take God’s love from me. Remove my luxurious possessions, good food, fine clothing and elaborate lifestyle if they cause me not to love you like I should. Detach me from the cravings of high position, prestige, or money should they cause me not to love my neighbor as myself. Forgive me for being wasteful and not considering others who are not as fortunate as me.

(Day 11) Like a non-human object pinned to a bulletin board, I see Jesus being nailed to a cross as a common criminal. Lord Jesus, how much sacrifice was necessary to save my soul? It was not the nails but your desire to free people like me (from sins) that attached you to the cross. Therefore, your love can free me from my cross of burden. I am sorry for the pain that sinners like me caused you. Forgive me so my sins do not nail me to my personal damnation. May I confess my short comings so that my soul can always love you.

(Day 12) I am afraid because it appears as if God’s love might be ending on a cross. My world with a dying Jesus is a dark world of no life or joy. So many times (Lord Jesus) I allowed your inspiration and your guidance to die within me for selfish reasons. May I see through my darkness to find the hope that only comes from you.

(Day 13) How sad I am to view the dead body of Jesus. Without Christ, my existence has no life or purpose (beyond my self). Without Christ, my ego lives in a body with no spiritual movement. Without Christ I will not fully understand God or myself. Lord, I keep your existence alive within my life.

(Day 14) I am horrified to see my faith buried away (as if it once was there but it will never be again). May I never bury you away within my past (Lord Jesus). May I not forget your “Christ Spirit” that heals and gives life. To bury you in a dark place goes against everything I believe. I am a resurrection person of light, hope, spirit and thanksgiving. May I never separate myself from you or the eternal life to come.

Conclusion – Easter Resurrection 
(The rest of my life) I walked with Jesus to his crucifixion in order to experience his resurrection. Christians are an “Easter People”, for Christ is the resurrection and life (and we are all the body of Christ in which we find life through his forgiveness). The Lenten process of self-examination is important in order to understanding what the sacrifice of Christ on the cross means (in a nut shell it comes down to forgiveness through sacrifice). Now I must do the same, so I can experience the rebirth and the changed direction that Easter gives us each day. The tomb 
that contains my sin can be empty and my sins can be separated from me (as far as the east is from the west) because of God’s grace to forgive. Therefore, I will forgive the same way (as Christ does) so that Christ can use me to his glory. I will show Christian Love and see the eyes of Jesus within Lady Poverty. That is my penance … to see Jesus within the physical, the mental and the spiritual poverty of others. Then, I will respond as Christ would (with loving actions). I cannot respond to poverty of any kind with harshness, judgment, rigid rules, selfishness, pride or a violent attitude but I must respond with the love of Easter morning. I now move from a “Culture of Fear” into a “Culture of Love”.

REF. Note: Many of the comments at each station are from prayers from an EWTN shortwave program done on the Stations of the Cross during the 1990s.

1 Can there be sincere love if there is no sacrifice?
2 What happens in a relationship when one person sacrifices and the other does not?
3 Can we have a relationship with God without sacrificing? Giving our Time, our energy and our love?
4 What kind of relationship would you have if you did nor sacrifice for God? Would it a one way relationship?
5. If God and poverty is closely related, how would God feel when you sacrifice for the poor?
6 How can we unite our suffering to the crucifixion?

7 Does struggles have any spiritual value?

3 - Life of Francis in Images

Images: The Water Colors of Pedro Subercaseaux
(These paintings are at St. Francis Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC)

1: Going to War – Francis becomes a prison during a war between Assisi and Perugia. This humbles Francis because war causes suffering, hardships, destruction and lost of life (it makes enemies of people who should be living in peace). 

What life event is your humbling moment? What makes you need something greater than yourself and it drives you towards creating friendships instead of hatred? There has to be a moment when you desire to change direction, to find more purpose because love brings together what indifference divides a part. There has to be something that can transform human selfishness, hate, greed, malice and pure lust for power into a gentle peace that is beyond all understanding. It is Christian love for all.

2: Changing Clothes with A Beggar – Francis was born into a life of privilege, but he made a life decision to identify with the stranger, the undesirable, and the unpleasant and the forgotten people in his society.

The best way to understand someone who is different than you is to walk in their shoes and emotionally live as they live. There is no power or status for people who are poor or sick or elderly or forgotten. Can you have apathy with those who are not like you? Can you help those in need? Can you give to people when they cannot return your generosity?

 3: Francis Kisses the Leper – This was the dividing line moment between Francis’ old life and his new life. He was moving from a materialistic life towards a more spiritual life. 

What is God calling you to embrace but you cannot do it? What is the leper in your life (or that thing that repulses your inter humanity because it produces fear or indifference from within you)?

4: God Speaks through the Crucifix of San Damiano – Francis was praying before the crucifix when he heard a voice or had a vision of God asking him to rebuild his church.

Is God speaking to you to rebuild your life? Can you be still and quiet enough to hear the soft voice of God inspiring you into action?

5: The Bishop’s Judgment – Francis is in a dispute with his father. They go before their bishop to resolve Francis giving away his father’s wealthy processions to the needy. Francis takes off his clothing given by his father to stand naked.

Nothing that we buy or receive can go with us to eternity. We stand naked before God with only what we have given away. Can you be stripped of all your pretensions, processions and ambitions that disguise your true existences? For the good of others, can you make a faith decision that may be uncomfortable or take you away from your personal security?

6: Becomes a Servant of God – Francis joins a monastery to work in the kitchen. He wants to be a servant for the Lord.

Are you called to love others as Christ? No matter what your situation in life is, there is a way you can care for others. How can you uniquely reach out to others? By helping others, you build up your soul and your ability to understand God’s loving ways.

7: Francis Works at A Leper Hospital – Francis becomes a caretaker for those with an incurable and contagious disease. 

Can you love the unforgotten in your life? Can you show God’s love to those that society avoids or fears as untouchable – unacceptable?

8: Francis Repairs San Damiano Church – Believing that God literally wanted him to rebuild San Damiano Church, Francis and a few companions repaired that church. 

Francis later understood that God was asking him to rebuild the spiritual foundation of the extended church. Are you in need of spiritual repair, of rebuilding the foundation of your faith? Francis followed Jesus by caring about the physical, moral, mental and spiritual poverty of others. Will you care too?

9: Francis Consults Sacred Scripture – Francis finds God also in scripture. He and his companions move from scripture to life and from life to scripture. He makes his scriptural life physical prayer offered up to God.

Can you make your life a scriptural life offered up to God as prayer itself? Through the poverty of Jesus can you find the riches of a scriptural life?

10: Francis & His Companions Go to Rome to be accepted by the Pope – They seek to form a simple community of love and fellowship through Christ.

We can be isolated islands; but instead, our humanity requires encouragement, fellowship and sharing our talents with others – we require relationships within a community. Do you require relationships with fellow believers? Do you find comfort, support and strength when you share your common faith with others?

11: Pope Innocent Gives His Approval – The Church blesses Francis’ mission. God’s Holy Spirit is moving through Francis and into the world. It is his Christ centered obedience to God’s will that inspires his Franciscan companions.

Is it your desire to obey God’s will through the example of Francis? Do you have a love for animal, all human life, the environment, simplicity, Gospel living and for Lady Poverty?

12: Clare & Francis - Clare was young when Francis inspired her to follow Christ the Franciscan way.

How can we be sensitive and open to inspire the youth & young adults with the mission of Francis? The Franciscan movement has no future if the young do not push us forward with their energy and wiliness to adapt to new way of experiencing Christ in our hearts.

13: Clare's Profession – Profession (Clare taking religious vows) was a life time commitment to the mission of Francis. She gave herself to poverty, charity (love) and Obedience.

ugh you to others.
an you reset your life to poverty (being in great need of God), to love (the peace of mind within giving) and to obedience (to obey God’s Holy Spirit that moves thro

 14: Street Fight in Siena – The presence of Francis at this battle caused attitudes to change. He represented a man of peace and goodwill between people. 

Is your presence a representation of peace or of conflict? Can your example be an example for conciliation or of indifference? Do you build up with love or do you break down through personal dislikes?

15: Francis Meets Dominic – Both Francis and Dominic embraced with their first meeting in 1215AD. Both represent new spiritual movements within the church to revitalized Christianity. Both transformed the Christian heart their unique way.

What does it take to transform your Christian heart in new revitalized ways?

16: Francis Sees the Sultan in Egypt Both the sultan and Francis listen to one another. They both showed goodwill towards the other. There was respect for the different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and philosophies. They supported one another through their love for their mutual creator.

Can you conduct yourself in a peaceful manner because of your love for the creator of all? Since we all are children of the one God – can there be brotherly love with your enemy?

17: The Wolf of Gubbio & Francis – The wolf was devouring the inhabitants of the town. Francis reasoned with the people of the town to feed the wolf and then the wolf would have no need to eat the people. To discover the reasoning behind negative situations can help create understanding and solutions to problems.

Can you act like an angry animal when you are not understood? What will it take for you to be able to see the need behind the negative behavior of others?

18: Christmas At Greccio – In 1223, Francis arranged the first known live nativity scene. Francis always had to focus on Jesus. Christmas is a time where we remember that we too give birth to the Christ Spirit from within us and that we nourish that spirit to maturity.

How do you nourish the Christ Spirit from within you so it will mature for the whole world to see?

19: The Stigmata – – Francis was the first person to show the wounds of Christ (the stigmata). When we suffer for others we too are united with Christ’s suffering.

How can I better imitate Christ (his life, his sacrifice, his death and his resurrection)?

20: The Death of Francis – Francis would welcome his sister Death because he would be with his Lord. 

How can you better understand that death is a part of life and there is life after death?


1 Why would kissing a leper be the major event for Francis' conversion?

2 Could you be as literal about Franciscan Spirituality as Francis did?

3 How can the story of Francis and the wolf help explain Francis' ideals about peaceful existence? 

4 How can we too "Rebuild the church"?

5 Can God's will speak to you (in your life) like God spoke to Francis?

6 What would God ask to change about you if he spoke to you?